Leave it to Sawyer and Dowd: The GSA and the Secret Service have been involved in major embarrassments this week.
Among modern American elites, the clowning bad judgment never ends. This brings us to one of Diane Sawyer’s questions for Romney and Romney.
Sawyer interviewed the Romneys for ABC “News” this week. Sawyer has always been a clown—but so of course is Maureen Dowd, who responds to one of the Q-and-A’s produced by her fellow buffoon:
DOWD (4/18/12): It also doesn’t fly to tell Diane Sawyer that your dog “loved” 12 hours in a crate on top of the car or that it’s “our turn” to be in the White House.Dowd is upset by the “our turn” talk too! But this week, Seamus is back, dragged back into the national discourse by the flyweight Sawyer.
Sawyer has always been like this. In June 1999, Candidate Gore sat with this high-ranking ABC "journalist" on the eve of his formal announcement speech. This dimmest of mainstream press corps bulbs ran straight to the fading “farm chores” bullroar, even giving Gore a pop quiz to test the highly unlikely idea that he’d ever set foot on a farm.
Sawyer's mother had even sent questions designed to catch Gore in his latest lie! For a full account of that pitiful session, see Chapter 1 at our companion site, How He Got There. Search on “Sawyer;” prepare to writhe.)
Sawyer is as light as they come. But she’s married to Mike Nichols, so by the rules of our nation’s “elites,” no one is able to say so.
Interviewing Romney and Romney, Sawyer asked about Seamus again! Truly, it’s hard to be dumber than this, though Sawyer will surely keep trying.
Big Eddie played the fool last night, responding to these Qs and As. For ourselves, our favorite reaction came from Brett Smiley at the New York magazine blog.
We’ll simply ask the obvious question: How do they get this dumb?
SMILEY (4/17/12): Romney Dog Seamus Actually Loved Trips Atop Car, Says Ann RomneyYes, that’s what the full post says—and no, we don’t quite understand it. Let's ignore the factual errors, and the fact that Smiley is still deeply puzzled by the confusing term "air-tight."
Well why didn't Ann Romney just say so earlier? It turns out the outrage over the treatment of Seamus the Irish setter is misguided: The Romney family dog, who got strapped to the roof of the family car in an air-tight crate for a twelve hour road trip in 1983, during which he defecated all over himself and on the windshield, thoroughly enjoyed the experience! “The dog loved it,” Ann Romney told Diane Sawyer. “He would see that crate and, you know, he would, like, go crazy because he was going with us on vacation." Would Seamus also go crazy when he was shoved in a bath, got tied to a post outside a boutique on a hot day, and had a thermometer jammed in his rear?
Update: Sawyer asked Mitt if he would transport Seamus that way again. He responded, "Certainly not with the attention it's received." Attention is the difference here? We don't think that, were it not for Romney's political ambitions, Seamus would have been tied up and dragged behind the car. But Romney leaves way too much room for doubt.
Journalist Smiley’s main point was the following: Ann Romney should have offered this explanation about Seamus at an earlier date.
How do they get to be like this? In fact, Ann Romney first explained this matter in July 2007, as soon as this flap began to become a story in the small, simple minds of various people who can’t reason or conjure. Go ahead: Just click here.
Let’s ask the other obvious question: How do people like Smiley get jobs? Simple! At the top of your country’s “journalistic” heap sit flyweights like Sawyer and Dowd!
Farm chores back then, Seamus today! This is the way these people “think.” And this is the fate of your nation.
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